

Frederick Buechner’s writings have been enjoyed and appreciated by a wide audience. His thirty-nine books fall into the categories of fiction, memoir, and nonfiction. More importantly, they appeal to many broad segments of society. Click on a title below to visit the page for that community of interest:

People Facing Serious Life Challenges

Buechner does not sugar-coat life. Having himself gone through serious family challenges, Buechner offers a message of hope to all.

Searching and Seeking

Buechner’s view is that God is loving and open to all, and readily available to be an important part of our everyday lives. Many people have developed a deeper and closer relationship with God through Buechner’s books.

Church Pastors

Typically quoted many times per week, Buechner’s ideas have served as inspirations for many sermons. Pastors also use his perspectives to help people who are struggling with faith or with the many challenges life throws at us.

Seminary Students and Professors

While avoiding sounding “preachy” or espousing dogmatic positions, Buechner nonetheless offers a great deal of theological depth and vision.


Buechner’s vision of our relationship with God has appealed to a wide cross-section of Christianity.