Jeffrey Munroe is the Editor of Reformed Journal, and author of Reading Buechner: Exploring the Work of a Master Memoirist, Novelist, Theologian, and Preacher (2019) and the forthcoming (and very Buechneresque) Telling Stories in the Dark.

He is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America and formerly served as Executive Vice President of Western Theological Seminary.

Regarding Buechner, he writes:

Frederick Buechner’s essay ‘Adolescence and the Stewardship of Pain’ gave my life back to me following a traumatic event in early adulthood. Even if I had not had such an intense experience through Buechner’s words, I would still hold him in great esteem as a novelist, memoirist, theologian, and preacher. His honesty and artistry have made him a welcome and wise spiritual guide I have returned to countless times over the past four decades.


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