Jeffrey Munroe on the Sacred Journey

Our friend, Jeffrey Munroe, has recently published a book titled, Reading Buechner: exploring the work of a master memoirist, novelist, theologian, and preacher.

Here are some of Dr. Munroe’s thoughts on The Sacred Journey:

‘ […] Buechner is a theologian, but he does not structure his thoughts or writing like a typical theologian. He does not put forth a series of propositional truths, and he deals more in doubt than in certainty. What matters most is the experience of God’s presence, not the objective proof of God’s existence; Buechner contends in several places that presence, not proof, is the miracle we’re after. This is a cornerstone of his theology. Revelation is personal: if God speaks at all, he speaks into our personal lives, and all systems of theology start first as personal experience.’ (p.11-12)

-Jeffrey Munroe on Buechner’s first memoir, The Sacred Journey (1982).

Reading Buechner: exploring the work of a master memoirist, novelist, theologian, and preacher has been published by IVP, and is available to view here:

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