Our friend, Jeffrey Munroe, has recently published a book titled, Reading Buechner: exploring the work of a master memoirist, novelist, theologian, and preacher.
Here are some of Dr. Munroe’s thoughts on Now and Then:
‘Later editions of Now and Then contain the subtitle ‘A Memoir of Vocation’, and the book does cover career moves like Buechner’s preparation for ministry at Union, his years as a school minister at Exeter, and leaving to become a full-time writer in Vermont. Yet, as with The Sacred Journey, it’s more than a description of places and events. Buechner pays close attention – he listens to his life – and as he looks back on the people and places of his life, he doesn’t see himself as a feather blown by the wind but sees God’s hand in it all, moving him forward. Ultimately, Now and Then is about the education and maturation of a person with a marvelous facility for language putting his gifts to work for the kingdom of God.’ (p.42)
Jeffrey Munroe on Buechner’s second memoir, Now and Then (1983).
Reading Buechner: exploring the work of a master memoirist, novelist, theologian, and preacher has been published by IVP, and is available to view here: https://www.ivpress.com/reading-buechner