Read Martin’s article in November 2024.

Dr Martin Shaw is a writer, storyteller and mythologist.

Award-winning author of seventeen books, his most recent, Bardskull, was Guardian Book of the Day and described by the Sunday Times as “rich and transgressive.”

He is a wilderness rites of passage guide and spent four years living in a tent. Shaw founded the Oral Tradition and Living Myth courses at Stanford University and was named by the Irish Times as an “interloper from the medieval.”  

An Eastern Orthodox Christian, over the last twenty-five years Shaw has introduced thousands of people to myth and how it speaks to our age. He is widely published: Orion, The Sun, Mississippi Review, Poetry International and many others. His conversation and catalogue with Ai Wei Wei was published by the Marciano Arts Foundation. Rowan Williams describes him as “a true and transformative enchanter.” He is currently working on a book for Penguin Random House on the notion that Christianity has forgotten that it's a dream. 


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