Dr Russell D. Moore is Editor in Chief of Christianity Today and is the author of Losing Our Religion: an altar call for evangelical America (2023).

An ordained Baptist minister, Dr Moore served previously as President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and, before that, as the chief academic officer and dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also taught theology and ethics.

Dr Moore was a Fellow at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics and currently serves on the board of the Becket Law and as a Senior Fellow with the Trinity Forum in Washington, D.C.

He also hosts the weekly podcast The Russell Moore Show and is co-host of Christianity Today’s weekly news and analysis podcast, The Bulletin.

Dr Moore was President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2013 to 2021. Prior to that role, he served as provost and dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, where he also taught theology and ethics.

A native Mississippian, he and his wife Maria are the parents of five sons. They live in Nashville, where he teaches the Bible regularly at their congregation, Immanuel Church.

Dr Moore’s love for Frederick Buechner is a matter of public record. In addition to a moving obituary, he has also written at length regarding the pivotal role that Buechner’s work played in modelling ‘a vision of Christianity that could speak to both imagination and reason’.


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